Hool'áágóó Home Care & Infinity Home Care is highly informed and educated on ways to improve your health and well-being. You can put your trust in our professional and experienced team.
Our Home Care Service team includes; Infinity's Devoted Caregivers, Direct Care Instructors, On-site CPR & First Aid Instructors and Caring and highly qualified friendly Administrative Staff.
Available Care:
- Hourly
- 24 Hour live-in care
- Holidays
- Weekends
- Respite for family
For less mobile or bedbound adults:
A referred personal care caregiver can assist with re-positioning in bed to avoid bed sores, bed pans, adult briefs, a sponge bath, and even range of motion activities.
Full list of personal care services:
- Bathing - Brush teeth - Perineal Care
- Bed Bath - Denture Care - Change adult briefs
- Tub Bath - Dressing - Assist with bed pans
- Shower - Grooming - Assist with urinal
- Sponge Bath - Comb or brush hair - Assist with commode
- Shampoo - Skin Care
- Reposition bed-bound clients to help prevent skin breakdown
- Assist with active range of motion activities
- And many more based on clients request.
You may qualify for AHCCCS/ALTCS:
The Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) program is for individuals who are 65 or older, blind, or disabled and need ongoing services at a nursing facility level of care. Many ALTCS participant live in their own homes and receive needed in-home services. If you should have any questions about AHCCCS/ALTCS contact a AHCCCS/ALTCS office nearest you for more information.
Are you interested in a personal consultation?
Just give us a call at 928 645-6862 or send us an email. We look forward to meeting with you.